Any time I can find deeper meaning in anything, I'm bound to read, or in this case, watch it. I'll admit I've never seen any of the Scream movies, mainly since I'm not a huge fan of slashers, myself since they often bore me. But if there's a lesson in self-empowerment to be learned here, it's more than worth not just watching, but ultimately, recommending.

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Let me know if you enjoy them.

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Try Cabin in the Woods . It’s one of my favorites and has a deeper meaning . Also The Babadook and Oculus both excellent , intelligent horror. I always recommend NOT watching trailers: they give too much away.

I like the way u see Scream. I’ve never thought about the victim mentality. It’s almost a play on words as we have many dead victims

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What a nice surprise! I gave up on the Scream franchise long long ago as "hokie". After this nice reframing, maybe I'll binge the series. Thank you!

I wrote about Barbie earlier in the year. I'm curious what you think. https://hamannature.substack.com/p/barbies-advice-to-men?r=2u0knv

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That was fun. Now watch the Hellraiser movies . Yes, there is some serious stuff there.The box. You opened it. We came.- I think that describes much of modern dysfunction.Even the weird sadomasochist stuff captures a major aspect of contemporary sensibility.

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