These people have always been around - what has changed is the ceilings that have previously limited them have been raised. Now the boss who'd cheat his employees of $20K gets away with $2B.

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"The traits Lancer describes seem commonplace, especially in the most successful segments of society. I don’t mean just musicians, athletes, and movie stars, but elected officials (and bureaucrats)."

This part jumped out at me more than anything else. And it makes me think it's why I've been, for a while now, shying away from mainstream music, instead opting for power and symphonic metal, from most sports (the NFL and NBA more than anything), and I couldn't tell you the last time I sat and watched a move made after the year 2019, if I ever have.

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Well done!

You have completely defined the communist occupation force of Western Civiliztion. You can hear them demonstrating those determinants every time they open their vile misanthropic mouths. They are the proponents of genocide, of racism and of religous zealotry, and slothful entitlement. Of course, they don't have the self-awareness to realize their sickness, as is typical of Dunning-Kruger poster children. They thought they could take over the globe, that they are ordained to do so. They are wrong. They are done. Their erratic raging lunacy will continue until they are expelled or imprisoned or executed, a time that draws closer with every hour of their seething venom.

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Should be required reading.

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