I did hear about this one - it was on the Let's Read Podcast, where the host will bring up more obscure or forgotten horror-based historical events. I've learned a lot about such events a history class never bothered to mention, and I need to start going back through the archives and writing them down—many are quite compelling, yet disturbing. But they all should at least be discussed.

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1927 Americans were very different people than 2024 Americans. I suspect people at that time believed that to rehash the tragic massacre of that day rather than bury it and move on was to in some way glorify it, and thus perpetuate the evil of it.

No books about it. No films. No commentaries. No special days of remembrance year after year after year. No yellow ribbons. No commemorative stamps. No monuments. No moments of silence.

It’s a very effective way of saying, “F*ck you, Satan,” like walking off an injury after a scrape.

Very different people.

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Some events leave us speechless. I had never heard of this tragedy.

A few thoughts came to mind...

When someone has nothing left to lose, they can do lots of damage on their way out. An example is often found when facing a divorce and accompanying likely subsequent evisceration, a hapless fellow may get slapped with a ‘restraining order’ (perceives the full weight of world against him)

Nations and rulers (eg. England & Churchill family) sustain so much leveraged debt, that they now must pursue morally horrific policy (opium wars) on behalf of those who hold bit, bridle, whip, & saddle of that war-horse. (Those: Clue...bankers)

And, ..... IDF seems to have found ways to pull off the equivalent of 4 of these each day since October.

That may offend some that I would point that out.

But let me go further:

Kitos War: 115 AD

240,000 mostly Christians snuffed on Cyprus

Donmeh takeover as Ottoman Empire fell: 1915 1 -1.5 million Armenian Christians snuffed.

Holodomor look it up for

Context; identify the Bolsheviks

Staggering millions killed, mostly Orthodox Christians

If we can empathize with victims of slaughter, perhaps we are still humans

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Marvin Heemeyer, by way of comparison, only killed himself, and caused some property damage. Even if he wasn't the hero a lot of libertarians believe he was, he wasn't the kind of monster who kills innocent children.

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