As a wise economist once said, “The most important single central fact about a free market is that no exchange takes place unless both parties benefit.”
Did you actually read this essay before you published it?
under "No Dough, No Show?"
third graf: "Even if the NFL is not cutting them a check, artists, without exception, have seen a spike in record sales following their Super Bowl halftime performances."
sixth graf: "Even if the NFL is not cutting them a check, artists, without exception, have seen a spike in record sales following their Super Bowl halftime performances."
ninth graf: "The fact that the NFL isn’t writing checks to performers isn’t evidence of an unfair exchange."
under "Economics and Free Exchange":
second graf "The fact that the NFL isn’t writing checks to performers isn’t evidence of an unfair exchange. "
fourth graf: "Some might begrudge the NFL’s powerful bargaining position, but even that is not as strong as it might appear."
sixth graf: "Some might begrudge the NFL’s powerful bargaining position, but even that is not as strong as it might appear."
Did you use a chatbot to write this essay and then forget to copyedit it?
@Jon Miltimore
Did you actually read this essay before you published it?
under "No Dough, No Show?"
third graf: "Even if the NFL is not cutting them a check, artists, without exception, have seen a spike in record sales following their Super Bowl halftime performances."
sixth graf: "Even if the NFL is not cutting them a check, artists, without exception, have seen a spike in record sales following their Super Bowl halftime performances."
ninth graf: "The fact that the NFL isn’t writing checks to performers isn’t evidence of an unfair exchange."
under "Economics and Free Exchange":
second graf "The fact that the NFL isn’t writing checks to performers isn’t evidence of an unfair exchange. "
fourth graf: "Some might begrudge the NFL’s powerful bargaining position, but even that is not as strong as it might appear."
sixth graf: "Some might begrudge the NFL’s powerful bargaining position, but even that is not as strong as it might appear."
Did you use a chatbot to write this essay and then forget to copyedit it?