This stood out for me -to the abolition of the power of man over man.”- oh yeah Trotsky was really interested in that! The whole structure of Leninism with its emphasis on a dominant revolutionary vanguard is all about concentration of power in one set of people. Trotsky knew that perfectly well.
Interesting subject matter for the current chaos in our politics. Cheney, a defender of the Constitution only when it benefits his strategy, comes to mind. His support for Harris is stunning. Harris support of Cheney defies description. Not too long ago, Darth Vader was despised by all in the demokrat party. Which is it? Love him or hate him? And how does one justify his support of a regime that contradicts his own principles? Seems that principles are in short supply in the Harris campaign.
This stood out for me -to the abolition of the power of man over man.”- oh yeah Trotsky was really interested in that! The whole structure of Leninism with its emphasis on a dominant revolutionary vanguard is all about concentration of power in one set of people. Trotsky knew that perfectly well.
Interesting subject matter for the current chaos in our politics. Cheney, a defender of the Constitution only when it benefits his strategy, comes to mind. His support for Harris is stunning. Harris support of Cheney defies description. Not too long ago, Darth Vader was despised by all in the demokrat party. Which is it? Love him or hate him? And how does one justify his support of a regime that contradicts his own principles? Seems that principles are in short supply in the Harris campaign.