the dilemma of not creating a united people and keeping communities small by not regimenting the minds is that what youdon't do others will do and small un-united units of mankind then become victims of those who do create larger groups or empires and then conquer others which then are propagandized and forced to serve the creators of empires which are just a small elite...

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After seeing the disaster of Covid schooling with its attendant Zoom bedlam, we yanked our twin boys out of school and put them into an asynchronous online school, Laurel Springs. My kids have a daily “To Do” list and lessons that they can download and consume individually at their own time and pace. This gives my boys the flexibility to pursue their soccer dreams in Spain with extra coaching and training during the normal school day. Although the school has teachers with scheduled office hours, in practice, Dad is their professor. My only regret is that their humanities program is woefully Woke, which I attempt to temper with appropriate ridicule.

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