Hi Jon, great article, thanks. The scene from Atlas Shrugged reminded me of an exact situation we had with a customer this morning. We are struggling with finding someone there willing/capable of making an adult decision on an important matter for their business.

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Buffett wouldn’t need to have read Atlas Shrugged to sound as if he had. He’d just need to have had his eyes open throughout his life and career, which he seems to have.

And to me, it’s uncanny (or maybe eerily canny?) how alike today our Western world is to the Soviet ex-pat Rand’s plot, with but a few names and locations, sometimes, very slightly, changed.

(A.S. was the last full novel I read to my kid before he basically got too big. Fifth grade at that point. From there on, he’s chosen his own titles!)

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@Jon Miltimore: what happened to the comment section of FEE.org?

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