Look no further than the Heritage Foundation's Index of Economic Freedom. Here are Venezuela's numbers: Overall Score - 28.1/Third-worst in the world; Property Rights Score - 0/Worst in the world; Government Integrity - 6.4/Third-worst in the world; Judicial Effectiveness - 3.3/Worst in the world; Government Spending - 96.6 - third-highest in the world. Tax Burden is also 75.9, which also isn't a pretty number.

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Brutal Capitalism- oh come on! Its command economy meets crony capitalism. They’re right in a very limited sense- good or bad - this isn’t whatI see as genuine socialism ( don’t misinterpret- I have no use for socialism).But capitalism, spare me.

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looks like NYT folks don't acknowledge that socialism is a small state-connected minority controlling much of the nation’s wealth, fascinating that vermin promote socialism by calling it capitalism and blaming their failures on that.

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I agree the socialist control is not good. But what’s worse, continues socialist govt or installation of a U.S. backed puppet? Both options stink.

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Superb piece..

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