Ah, yes, changing regimes over 60 years or more. Linking today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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It's very tough to admit that the US is indeed an Evil Empire - I've seen through it for a while now, but what's sad is that so many people don't. Even when you list atrocities like the numerous coups the American government has been involved in, the Julian Assange fiasco, the kind of treatment Ed Snowden had gotten, and even provide reputable sources, it's almost like those who believe we can do no wrong turn a blind eye and a deaf ear.

Sure, we want to persuade people, but so many will hear nothing of it. Many have spent years being told that their country has always been the good guys, to the point believing it is almost a reflex. And while I'm not saying America's opponents are any good - most, if not all of them aren't - from the actions our own government has committed, it's also clear that we're also not the good guys here.

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The only solution is that everyone working for the Intel Alphabet Soup Gang (ATF, FBI, CIA, DHS, NSA, etc.) must be fired and their agencies permanently shuttered.

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Lumumba? Might as well have been five minutes ago - or five minutes from now.

Just as WW2 is as pertinent and timely as the instantaneous velocity of this very instant. The eschatological Likudniks running about still prosecuting WW2 at this very moment - and in fact the root cause of WW3 (see also the root cause of WW2) - demonstrate the broader era’s remaining immediately upon us all.

It also demonstrates the very Pyrrhic nature of war - Pyrrhic, that is, unless one is literally a mass-murdering blood guzzler, in which case the past one hundred years has been most glorious.

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You worry about what the CIA does in the Congo and Yemen, but ignore what the FBI did in Philadelphia, Ruby Ridge, and Waco.

Too close to home, or are the FBI's murderers still off-limits?

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You might want to look through my archives. I've written and published dozens of articles on FBI crimes and abuses.

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