John -I don’t doubt the accuracy of what you’re saying and my anti interventionist credentials are pretty good. But some counter balance seems appropriate. There was one country that was interfering more in internal Ukraine affairs than the US , of course, Russia. The Russians were definitely spreading money to sympathizers in Ukraine. Russians have for as long as I can remember spread money around to influence people abroad.They pretty much paid for the CPUSA etc , etc.I think the consensus view is that Yankovich was bought and paid for by the Russians . I could be wrong but whatever the depredations of Victoria Nuland , by the time he was overthrown He was extremely unpopular and widely considered a traitor.Facts are facts. So it’s right to point out US interference. Unfortunately where some people go with this is ( not you), Putin was absolutely justified in invading Ukraine.

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Most of this has been known for quite some time. At least by the alt media, although now the MSM seems to be finally raising questions. Wonder what the motive is for that?

I first linked an article on it back on August, 24,, 2016 - https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/2016/08/24/11631/

The link was from the website: https://www.shtfplan.com/

The Situation In Ukraine Is Serious: “We Don’t Rule Out A Full-Scale Russian Invasion” – “Nothing was mentioned about the U.S., EU, and IMF-sponsored coup d’état that removed (under the Ukrainian Constitution) legally-elected Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych”

Unfortunately when you click on the link from back then, the article no longer comes up.

Linking your take today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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