Student loan forgiveness is total bullshit. The only way to get the madness of the academy corrected is to make people pay for their mistakes. Personal responsibility matters - its the ONLY thing that ensures the best possibly future decisions are made.

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Debt cancellation schemes are just another example of Government’s reverse Midas touch: everything touched by government turns to shit.

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My take, sirs:

Still, bear in mind the predatory nature of student loan lenders, and the escalatory effects it’s had on tuition. Those lenders and their enabling tort, amount to the root cause, and it would be dispatched with some basic federal constraints on usury.

Also, those numbers, are minuscule compared to the pricetags associated with federal DHS (domestic war against citizens), federal NDAA (imperial wars against foreigners) and the general social cost of having a central government and central bank owned virtually 100 percent by foreign (or at least international) special interests, via Imperial Vichy District of Columbia.


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Another outstanding article, as always! My own story: This time last year, I was barely making over $20,000 annually and I knew my student loan payments would be starting back up again in October. Know what I did? I planned ahead to ensure I made the proper concessions to make such payments since I wasn't about to apply for loan forgiveness.

Fast-forward to today, and I'm earning more than double the amount previously shown. It's still a fraction of what Carter makes, yet I'm gladly paying off the debt since at the end of the day, it's my responsibility. I signed the dotted line, and I agreed to make the payments so, therefore, I'll continue to gladly keep watching the monthly payments get deducted from my bank account.

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