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Correct. When I learned under harsh rule of Sister Miriam Leonard in the 1950's and the more benign leadership of Sister Julia Miriam in the early 1960's, their job title was Principal. We learned many useful principles, including those of correct grammar and spelling. Decades later, I sometimes corrected the more egregious spelling errors of my college students. One of them wrote in his course evaluation that I was "anal about spelling."

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Indeed. I forgot the rule I was taught in 3rd grade. Your principal is your "pal."

One of the perils of self-publishing is that silly mistakes like this are more likely to crop up on occasion.

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I told my college students that there was no excuse for spelling or grammar errors if they used Microsoft Word.

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Amen! Outstanding article....if only.....

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All we can do is keep trying.

There has at least been some amazing progress on the school choice front in recent years.

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Yep, try, try and try again! 👍

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Public education in Canada is rife with problems. I think public education has its place. I have always been a supporter. I am personally a product of the public education system in Canada (1970 to 1988) including university (McGill) and I have excelled in life. It has served me very well. I am at least as well educated as those who went to private schools in Canada, likely better educated in fact. However. Times have changed. Public schools at all levels have become indoctrination mills. This needs to change.

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