Clavell’s Asian Saga is by far my favorite historical fiction. It changed how I view the world and gave me a completely new perspective on the history of the West. His ‘The Children’s Story’ is a very brief must-read (or must see: https://youtu.be/p1AL3WFzsv0) for every American youth or adult.

The pistol confrontation scene was among the best in the new series, which is beautiful in many respects but disappointing in others.

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Agreed to Clavell is the gold standard of historical fiction.

I'll need to check out The Children's Story. Haven't heard of that one. But Tai Pan, Shogun, King Rat, and Noble House are masterpieces.

We're not through the FX Shogun yet, but I'm enjoying it so far.

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👍 I’m due to reread the full Asian Saga, including the finale, Whirlwind.

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Thanks for the heads-up on the remake of Shogun! Clavell is a master storyteller - loved his entire series of historical fiction set in Asia which were all turned into movies.

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It’s truly a fantastic reboot, Shogun. And, I also read the book as a child and watched the original series back in the 70’s (or was it the 80’s?).

9/10 🌟

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