I worked in ad sales for a major newspaper in the 80’s and 90’s. I went to a local Greenpeace office to sell some ad space and plastered over every inch of wall space were posters screaming about Global Cooling. That didn’t age very well so they went to Global Warming, and have now simply settled on Climate Change. Of course, anyone who’s been around for any length of time saw this evolve in real time.

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So Gore was wrong. Actually not so much: the sea ice ice didn't disappear and it is even expanding, but the new stuff is thinner and very transient. The.arctice is warming four times as fast as anywhere else on earth because the snow cover is lost and the dark rock exposed absorbs.more.light and turns it into heat. Check Insurance Companies refusal to insure houses in places like Florida where the hurricanes are getting stronger and larger with much more rain. Hottest year on record last year. This year will be hotter.

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So well said. Real data & careful research are holding the day as Gore’s doomsday clock is slipping into quiet obscurity.

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