Aug 25Liked by Jon Miltimore

Fascinating. I wonder how many brilliant philosophers chose to write their masterworks as fiction instead of more pretentious tomes. Certainly Ayn Rand's novels are easier to digest than Leonard Peikoff's book of her philosophy, Objectivism. My own outlook on life is heavily influenced by Heinlein, specifically by the Professor in _The Moon is a Harsh Mistress_. I'm still waiting for Mike to wake up and lead us to victory.

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Add Tolkien to the mix, and CS Lewis. I really need to read Heinlein. I still have not.

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Aug 26Liked by Jon Miltimore

I don't normally read things that long anymore. That was excellent! Thank you!

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I normally don't either, at least not speeches/essays. But I too enjoyed this one.

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I thoroughly enjoyed that.

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Love You Phil !

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