Sep 8Liked by Jon Miltimore

For me this is what really stands out-and that Biden also supported “a robust anti-trust program.”Not so veiled threat. One of the things that always drove me crazy about the press coverage of Biden is he was always being referred to as this kindly, decent grandfather but look at something like this or any number of other things I could bring up.

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Sep 8Liked by Jon Miltimore

So, so right on about Biden - I'll even go as far as to say that, at times during the 2020 election, you can even argue he played the "kindly, decent grandfather" charade well. I even believe he used the "unite" adage at one point. Then he took office and almost immediately he showed his true colors. His rant about conservatives when he stood at a podium with that eerie red backdrop a couple of years back looked nothing short of a dystopian setting in which he behaved like a stereotypical tyrant.

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And now that Grandpa Biden has taken up permanent residence in his beach chair, we have a new media confection , the supremely normal foe of all that is weird ,manly yet sensitive Tim “ coach “ Walz!!( I hate football- the coach between slugs of Mountain Dew and gobs of mayo coated White Man tacos would call me weird ).

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When I listened to a list of the DHS assets being employed by Quiet Skies to surveil just one public figure, Tulsi Gabbard, my jaw dropped and I thought about the cost of the surveillance state to the taxpayers. I wish we had someone who could dimension those kinds of costs, from every alphabet agency to the DOJ and their lawfare to DHS. Gary Becker wrote the Economics of Crime long ago. We ought to know how much the regime and its attempt to self perpetuate is costing us!

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