The economic modelers have missed the boat on just about everything of late.
The geniuses at the Federal Reserve completely neglected the influence of money velocity on inflation and so completely failed to anticipate the consequences of their insane money supply expansion via quantitative easing in 2020.
Destroy the foundations of the current civilization and those who presumptively plan to benefit will have no foundation on which to leverage any power at all.
The Road Warrior would be a good approximation of what would remain.
Isn’t that the end game of the satanic Kazarian mafia ... completely destroy all of gods creation ... maybe they did it to Mars and are now finishing off earth.
That which God created Man lacks the power to destroy. Even if Man were to wipe himself out in his arrogance and his vanity, God's creation would endure, as it has always endured, as it will always endure.
Genetic studies have shown that the Ashkenazim still have ~60% of the DNA of their Canaanite ancestors, which also means they have significant genetic linkages to modern-day Arab populations as well. I believe the Sephardic Jews have similar proportions of Canaanite DNA. Does not leave much room for Koestler's Khazar hypothesis for the origin of the Ashkenazim.
The economic modelers have missed the boat on just about everything of late.
The geniuses at the Federal Reserve completely neglected the influence of money velocity on inflation and so completely failed to anticipate the consequences of their insane money supply expansion via quantitative easing in 2020.
For the same reason, they've completely misunderstood the actual impacts and consequences of their federal funds rate hikes.
The past few years we've seen the failure of expertise on a global scale hitherto unimaginable.
Mistakes have not been made…
The takedown of USA is on purpose.
The takedown will be of civilization itself.
Destroy the foundations of the current civilization and those who presumptively plan to benefit will have no foundation on which to leverage any power at all.
The Road Warrior would be a good approximation of what would remain.
I'm afraid you're right. I hope you are wrong.
I would be so happy to be wrong about that.
Isn’t that the end game of the satanic Kazarian mafia ... completely destroy all of gods creation ... maybe they did it to Mars and are now finishing off earth.
Civilization is the creation of Man.
That which God created Man lacks the power to destroy. Even if Man were to wipe himself out in his arrogance and his vanity, God's creation would endure, as it has always endured, as it will always endure.
As regards the "Khazarian Mafia"....
Genetic studies have shown that the Ashkenazim still have ~60% of the DNA of their Canaanite ancestors, which also means they have significant genetic linkages to modern-day Arab populations as well. I believe the Sephardic Jews have similar proportions of Canaanite DNA. Does not leave much room for Koestler's Khazar hypothesis for the origin of the Ashkenazim.
🙏🏻Thank you, Peter! Always learning. Love your articles too.
Also, love Ayn Rand ... wish she were here today. Thankful we still have G. Edward Griffin.
She was indeed brilliant. Wish she was here today