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Yeah, I never bought into the "21 days to form a habit" mantra. At least in many cases. I've been going to the gym constantly for going on 18 years now (working out regularly for going on 21 years) and this is the pristine time of the year when you see the gym just get packed with new members, especially in the evenings.

I like going in the early morning, between 5:30 and 6:30, so I rarely see the brunt these days. But, by Valentine's Day during our warmer winters or St. Patrick's Day if winter likes to linger, I'd estimate about 10 percent of those in the "New Year's Resolution" crowd are still there, if that.

That's roughly 44 to 77 days in the new year, yet many can't form the habit. That said, I'd say that study is pretty accurate.

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