Not a surprising parallel to today’s fascist race and gender-based cancel culture, thx for sharing this connection and avenue for research. Because the state is larger than any individual and any one group, it must treat all of them equally or it becomes an oppressive partisan weapon. Slavery, Jim Crow, redlining, and even incarceration laws are obvious examples from US history. Can we see the US enacting such weaponization today? Look to US higher Ed for a sad model the executive branch has increasingly used:

After a decade in higher ed (3 grad degrees, being adjunct faculty, full-time staff), I’ve seen how this preferential unequal treatment works against those deemed ‘privileged’: 1) race-based scholarships for everyone but white people, 2) submitting a DEI statement (allegiance to antiwhite/antimale social justice) as a minimum qualification for university job applications, 3) citation justice: cite only scholars of color in articles and presentations.

As an unwilling member of the stigmatized white male group, I must sufficiently express a reductivist self-hatred, to sacrifice my conscience, intellectual integrity, and individual experience on the DEI altar as I grovel in group guilt and shame in the religion of Kendi-style social justice. Or risk ostracization and job loss. Over 30 years, my woke discipline (rhetoric and writing) has become such a partisan weapon because social justice denies RAD scholarship which favors replication rather than reparation, aggregable methods rather than antiracism, duplication rather than dogma.

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Smells like Putin paid troll bot of lies and twisted facts

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Me oh my, how ever did you detect my trollish bottiness so quickly, you social media sage?!

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