Bravo! 👏👏👏🙏🏻💪🧠.

Cheers to you for the pragmatic courage to speak Logically certain Truth!

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Good article, Jon. Read it yesterday at AIER and linked it yesterday @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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I was a Deputy Assistant Secretary of Transporation more than 30 years ago when we were discussing the placement of breathalizers in vehicles. Drunk driving deaths were (and remain) a problem. We couldn't work it out in time for the 1992 Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA, the last time we raised the federal gas tax), but the idea was planted. "Impaired" driving means MUCH more than alcohol, and recreational cannabis states like Colorado - where impaired driving deaths and incidents have increased far higher than population growth - should take notice and start asking questions. The "notice and comment" rulemaking will be interesting. This is huge. Excellent post.

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The actions of a one human are not the accountability of another. Whether you're capable of understanding or not, that's manifesting a Syllogistic fallacy of Logic. This nation is not a collectivist hive where bureaucrats without authority have privilege to intrude upon the inalienable Rights of the individual. The people hold the power over agents of Government and Public Servants, not the other way around. That's Law.

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While I agree that this idea is well outside of the legality of the government and needs to be killed, I am very disappointed that no one has said a thing about a one trillion dollar budget. We already have debt that is unpayable and will saddle the future with misery, but this is a slap in the face of every American.

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Good for posting this. I don't know what the law is for Canada, but it will likely be the same. This needs to die. I just cant over how dishonest supposed 'fact-checkers' are.

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