Kubrick was a highly overrated director. His "On The Beach" ( for one example) has no children. Granted, neither does Chute either but directors of genius probably might have noticed their absence in the city scenes which are child free. Who had more to lose with the loss of a planet than the children? "What's happening Mummy?" Is a line that certainly writes itself and would have born repeating. Anthony Perkins can't even bother to try to fake an Australian accent and apparently the director couldn't bother to replace him. The capper is the big finish with scenes of empty San Fransisco. Not enough to see scenes of empty streets and abandoned builds, as if we're all idiots who can't figure out for ourselves that his is somehow significant, Mr Kubrick has to beat us over the head with staccato symphony notes at several short scenes from all over the city like exclamation marks. Subtle would have worked brilliantly here and been genuinely dramatic rather than amateurishy melodramatic. Not his final bomb. No doubt he voted for Reagan.

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Spartacus (1960)

Lolita (1962)

Dr. Strangelove (1964)

A Clockwork Orange (1972)

The Shining (1980)

Full Metal Jacket (1987)

Eyes Wide Shot (1999)

Anyone who directed one of these films would be highly skilled. To have directed all of them makes Kubrick a legend.

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Not relevant. On the Beach is Stanley Kramer not Kubrick.

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