Could you comment on how this judge came to be involved? Did some entity sue over the compensation package? Thank you.

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As the owner of a company who has been involved with judges who decide to rule simply based on a “I don’t like what your contract said therefore, I’m going to rule based on what I think your contract should have said” I would be with Musk and running far and fast. In fact, we were incorporated in Delaware and now we are incorporated in Nevada. No company or company owner should ever have to deal with judges who rule on emotion instead of on what is agreed upon in the contract. And any judge who rules that way should be disbarred.

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It's not going to help Delaware out, especially in the long run, should this exodus continue. I mean, yeah, you can win a few brownie points for a man's political opponents, most, if not all, of whom belong in that "tax the rich" group. But at the end of the day, the state of Delaware and it's people can end up worse off as a result.

We know that, the more one violates another's property rights, those whose property rights are being violated tend to find the Exit. They'll go somewhere else that respects those property rights, and their new place of business (and/or residence) will flourish as a result. It's that simple.

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