The FBI and the CIA are still undercover in destroying anything that threatens their power.

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I reread the article. The CIA's constant interference with other countries internal politics can be traced to Kissinger. He would manipulate / over throw a legally elected official if they would not allow the US to make them into a US puppet. He was first an office aid to LBJ; then he held two different positions under Nixon. Christhoper Hitchen's book Henry Kissinger explains how HK managed to get away with his duplicity.

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As to getting ride of the Terror/Spy State? It would take an exogenous event such as the total collapse of the USD world reserve standard. This would dry up funding and cause the malignant carousel to grind to a halt. But wait! Bring in the Trick Pony on the back of an engineered event, say a bait and switch of the present digital fiat for the planed new CBDC control regimen, then all bets are off. And the Carnival of Death and Mayhem goes on unabated. (We should never underestimate the cleverness of 'these people'. They are masterful orchestrators!)

I've thought on the demise of the American Republic for a long time. Regarding this, my short list of pivotal inflection points are:

1) The War of Northern Aggression/Civil War ... and the ensuing triumph of national government supremacy.

2) The 16th Income Tax Amendment, the 17th Direct Election of Senators Amendment and the Federal Reserve Act. Indeed, 1913 was a very bad trifecta of a year which effectively ended the American Republic. And of the three, the Federal Reserve Act which paved the way for the destruction of a real money of substance for commercial exchange, this was the worst of them all. First it dethroned the United States Treasury as the central monetary authority. And second, it allowed an international monetary cabal of usurers to bring in an infinitely plastic Fantasy Money, also meaning that all manner of evil could be infinitely funded ... and with an international agency in charge and not of, by and for American people.

3) The criminal fraud of 911. Because of the cover-up and failure to prosecute the real instigators, we got the totalitarian Terror/Spy state. And if 911 had been exposed for the inside job it was, we likely would have never have suffered the unmitigated horrors of the C19 Terror Campaign.

I am sure that my short list can be expanded. And if I were to do so, my first addition would be the killing of the Kennedy brothers, first the president and later brother Robert. This event at the time rocked the American people. Most of us at the time had little idea that that the cover-up would permit the rise of the 'Deep State' in a way that sealed the fate of the American people into a condition of absolute servitude. Back in the 1950's, we still felt mostly free. After the assassination, things quickly turned to crap. And now, just look where we are!

Well, I see the horses are getting away ... AGAIN. So I'll stop here and just thank you for passing this on. This sort of thing needs a continuous repeating.

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I'm afraid Operation Northwoods isn't at all what it seems to be - when it comes to espionage, self-incriminating documents must be treated with caution.

Preliminary questions we might ask are:

Why was this plan de-classified? Wouldn’t the kind of dastardly planning it contains intended to dupe both citizens and foreign nation alike be the kind of information that would remain classified indefinitely?

However, as it was de-classified why did the status of these classified documents originally marked Top Secret change to UNCLASSIFIED rather than DE-CLASSIFIED?

If you look carefully at the documents within the commonly found pdf bundle you can see they don't add up in any shape or form. For an analysis of this document and an explanation of its propagandistic agenda see:


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